We’re in a time of disruption. A time for differentiation and digital transformation…
The importance of creativity and digital has never been as prevalent as it is now. This is a time of opportunities, a need to act quickly and innovatively. Expectations amongst consumers has shifted. As such, how your brand is perceived to handle this period and the months that follow, both ethically and commercially, will have a lasting imprint with consumers.
So we wanted to share some tips on how best to approach digital marketing in the “new normal’ world.
Re-evaluate user behaviour…
Due to the restrictions of lockdown we are spending more time at home with web usage increasing. Google reports that users are spending more time surfing the web but conversions are drastically down. You should not be too alarmed by the lack of conversions, many of these are directly linked to industries currently not being able to function such as travel & hospitality. To counter the decline in these areas there have been huge increases in gaming and digital media.
The key takeaway is that online usage is up between 50-70% globally according to Forbes, with new audiences being forced into adapting and understanding the web. How you reach and engage with these users needs to be included in any existing and post-pandemic digital strategy. It’s not as simple as increasing your reach and tweaking your targeting, you need to gain the trust of the user with useful and relevant content, offering direct and open communication, helping them navigate the plethora of options they will have on offer – differentiating from your competitors has never been as critical as it is now.
Create a new box…
You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘think outside the box’ along the way, but it’s now time to think even more creatively. Pre-pandemic the online landscape was already a competitive one, but it has now become even more crowded with businesses who were typically physical in-store offerings or those who were simply behind in relation to e-commerce now operating online. Business owners and their teams must now offer something new to really stand out from the crowd. We recently launched a campaign called Hospitality for Heroes which embodies the ‘creating a new box’ ethos, it’s this type of thinking that will help your business thrive in this competitive environment.
It’s important that you and your team are fully up to speed with the latest digital trends, tools and platforms available to ensure that you stay ahead of the pack and innovate where possible. Whether it be through an agency, a new team member or by training your existing workforce, investing in your digital expertise and having a skilled and knowledgeable digital team will help you survive these tricky times and ensure that you are better placed for any future crisis.
Digital commerce and presence will be the driving force for future revenues, as it was before COVID-19, but will now be even more accelerated and with a far greater influence. Our team are here to offer brands support through this time of digital transformation, so please get in touch, we’d love to get thinking for you…